CSCI441 OpenGL Library 5.9.0
CS@Mines CSCI441 Computer Graphics Course Library
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Namespaces | Functions
objects.hpp File Reference

Helper functions to draw 3D OpenGL 3.0+ objects. More...

#include "teapot.hpp"
#include <glad/gl.h>
#include <glm/gtc/constants.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  CSCI441
 CSCI441 Helper Functions for OpenGL.


void CSCI441::setVertexAttributeLocations (GLint positionLocation, GLint normalLocation=-1, GLint texCoordLocation=-1)
 Sets the attribute locations for vertex positions, normals, and texture coordinates.
void CSCI441::deleteObjectVAOs ()
 deletes the VAOs stored for all object types
void CSCI441::deleteObjectVBOs ()
 deletes the VBOs stored for all object types
void CSCI441::drawSolidCone (GLfloat base, GLfloat height, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a solid cone.
void CSCI441::drawWireCone (GLfloat base, GLfloat height, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a wireframe cone.
void CSCI441::drawSolidCube (GLfloat sideLength)
 Calls through to drawSolidCubeIndexed()
void CSCI441::drawSolidCubeFlat (GLfloat sideLength)
 Draws a solid cube with normals aligned with cube face.
void CSCI441::drawSolidCubeIndexed (GLfloat sideLength)
 Draws a solid cube.
void CSCI441::drawSolidCubeTextured (GLfloat sideLength)
 Draws a solid textured cube. Calls through to drawSolidCubeFlat()
void CSCI441::drawWireCube (GLfloat sideLength)
 Draws a wireframe cube.
void CSCI441::drawCubeMap (GLfloat sideLength)
 Draws a cube with 3D Texture Coordinates to map a cube map texture to it.
void CSCI441::drawSolidCylinder (GLfloat base, GLfloat top, GLfloat height, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a solid open ended cylinder.
void CSCI441::drawWireCylinder (GLfloat base, GLfloat top, GLfloat height, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a wireframe open ended cylinder.
void CSCI441::drawSolidDisk (GLfloat inner, GLfloat outer, GLint slices, GLint rings)
 Draws a solid disk.
void CSCI441::drawWireDisk (GLfloat inner, GLfloat outer, GLint slices, GLint rings)
 Draws a wireframe disk.
void CSCI441::drawSolidPartialDisk (GLfloat inner, GLfloat outer, GLint slices, GLint rings, GLfloat start, GLfloat sweep)
 Draws part of a solid disk.
void CSCI441::drawWirePartialDisk (GLfloat inner, GLfloat outer, GLint slices, GLint rings, GLfloat start, GLfloat sweep)
 Draws part of a wireframe disk.
void CSCI441::drawSolidSphere (GLfloat radius, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a solid sphere.
void CSCI441::drawWireSphere (GLfloat radius, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a wireframe sphere.
void CSCI441::drawSolidHalfSphere (GLfloat radius, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a solid half sphere with a bottom.
void CSCI441::drawWireHalfSphere (GLfloat radius, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a wireframe half sphere with a bottom.
void CSCI441::drawSolidDome (GLfloat radius, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a solid dome.
void CSCI441::drawWireDome (GLfloat radius, GLint stacks, GLint slices)
 Draws a wireframe dome.
void CSCI441::drawSolidTeapot (GLfloat unused=1.0f)
 Draws a solid teapot.
void CSCI441::drawWireTeapot (GLfloat unused=1.0f)
 Draws a wireframe teapot.
void CSCI441::drawSolidTorus (GLfloat innerRadius, GLfloat outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings)
 Draws a solid torus.
void CSCI441::drawWireTorus (GLfloat innerRadius, GLfloat outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings)
 Draws a wireframe torus.

Detailed Description

Helper functions to draw 3D OpenGL 3.0+ objects.

Dr. Jeffrey Paone

These functions draw solid (or wireframe) 3D closed OpenGL objects. All objects are constructed using triangles that have normals and texture coordinates properly set.

NOTE: This header file will only work with OpenGL 3.0+
NOTE: This header file depends upon GLAD (or alternatively GLEW)